Everyday Plautdietsch Learners


Low German is the mother tongue of many Mennonites worldwide. If you grew up Mennonite like me, your parents may have only spoken Plattdeutsch to each other and didn’t engage you in any language. You may have understood some phrases at one time, but even that was forgotten.


I’m here to make a difference and to get you up and speaking this valuable language. New resources are being developed regularly to support you along the way. 


Here's what you can expect from our Plautdietsch resources - 


  • Deeper connection with your Mennonite roots - “You know you’re a Mennonite when…” 🙂

  • Better brain activity -learning a new language increases your brain function.

  • You will be speaking a unique heritage language.

  • You will connect with other speakers of Low German. 

Yes, I want this!

Plautdietsch is a treasure with significant heritage value. You don’t want it to vanish from your family. Learn it and pass it on to the next generation.


Saying a few phrases in this language will allow you to display your unique heritage from the Middle Ages! The languages from those days, like Old Norse, are almost extinct. Let’s not let this happen with Plautdietsch. If there should be any language learned and preserved among Mennonites, it should be Plautdietsch. 



It's healthy!

Give your brain the exercise it needs to stay healthy. If you grew up hearing Plautdietsch, those sounds and phrases are still in your long-term memory. By learning Plautdietsch, you will exercise neurons that will bring back skills you didn’t even realize you had. 

Learning another language has proven to be very healthy for the brain. It gives our brains the exercise they need to function better as we age. 



Make Connections!

Once you’ve practiced some of the strange sounds and blends, speaking Plautdietsch won’t seem hard. 

Consistent practice will help you reach your goals of speaking Plautdietsch with your loved ones or finding someone to connect with in the Low German community.

Travel and make connections worldwide with other Plautdietsch speakers. Plenty of great times await you among those of this heritage.


Keep the Heritage ALIVE!

Encourage the next generation to learn some phrases in this language. 

By passing this on, we keep this a piece of the heritage that is quickly fading away because of the acculturation of the next generation to the dominant languages and cultures in their context.


You won’t find another offer like this where you get coached in learning Plautdietsch regularly with like-minded people desiring to learn a valuable heritage language. Make the effort to pass on this traditional language to the next generation.


Plautdietsch is a treasure we can’t let disappear from our Mennonite heritage. Plautdietsch has withstood the trials of the ages because clusters of people used it as a communal language. 


Even though they had your best in mind, your parents didn’t know the benefits of knowing more than one language.


You can change that! Most of the world speaks more than one language, so let Plautdietsch be the language that makes you multilingual.


Extra Value

Access to resources and monthly coaching.

Yes, this works for me


Low German resources are available in one convenient spot to practice and learn independently.

Let's give it a try


You'll have access to all resources and small group coaching.

I'm ready to dive in

My journey to speaking Plautdietsch


After I moved away to go to college, I wanted to speak to my parents in their heart language. I began speaking Plautdietsch with them after some linguistics training and learning Russian.


I stumbled around at first, but gradually, it became easier to say more. I realized that my brain had retained the sounds I had heard all during my years at home, giving me a headstart in practicing and speaking Plautdietsch.


Even though English has become my primary language since I married Gene, which is how we communicate as a family, I love that I can speak to my mother in her heart language. There’s something about connecting with another person’s heart language.


The relationship goes deeper, and you feel more connected. I live many miles away from my Paraguayan family, and I appreciate the connection through Plautdietsch in our relationship.


Having worked as a language coach to students of other languages, I understand what it takes to support you on your journey of speaking Plautdietsch.



My husband, Gene, is testing various strategies to help him learn the Plautdietsch sounds and words. We’ll share all these tips and tools with you because every learner needs to find the strategy that works for them to move forward with this fantastic brain exercise.


I can also empathize with the learner because I was in that place a few times while learning new languages. 


You can learn Low German! Sometimes, all it takes is a little ‘schups’ (push) to get you over the challenge of speaking Plautdietsch. 

Yes, count me in!